Yanagihara, Hanya
Little Life (NHB Modern Plays) ; (stage version)
Yanagihara, Hanya
- Nick Hern Books
- 11 Mai 2023
- 9781788506786
'I promise you more patience, more gratitude. I promise you less vanity, less selfishness, less complaining, less fear. I promise you. You just have to survive.'A Little Life follows the complex relationships of four college friends in New York City: Willem, an actor; Malcolm, an architect; JB, an artist; and, at the centre of their group, Jude, a lawyer. Over the decades, their relationships deepen and darken, changed by ambition, addiction and pride. Yet their greatest challenge is Jude himself, whose secrets and shame define not just his own life, but that of his friends as well. A bruising and beautiful story of love, the limits of human endurance, and the tyranny of memory, Hanya Yanagihara's novel A Little Life has sold over a million copies and was shortlisted for the Booker Prize and the Women's Prize for Fiction. The stage adaptation conceived by Ivo van Hove, and adapted by Koen Tachelet, van Hove and Yanagihara herself was first performed in a Dutch-language production at Internationaal Theater Amsterdam in the Netherlands in 2018, before transferring to New York in 2022. This English-language version opened in London's West End in 2023, directed by Ivo van Hove and with a cast led by James Norton as Jude. 'A masterpiece of modern theatre a triumph of emotional richness and devastation' - Telegraph
Patru absolvenți ai unui mic colegiu din Massachusetts – debusolaţi, fără un ban în buzunar şi susţinuţi doar de prietenia şi ambiţia lor – se mută la New York pentru a-și face o situație. Cei patru sunt chipeşul Willem, care-şi doreşte să devină actor; JB, un pictor născut în Brooklyn care încearcă să pătrundă în lumea artei; Malcolm, un arhitect frustrat angajat la o firmă importantă; și Jude, o minte sclipitoare, dar un individ retras și enigmatic, în jurul căruia gravitează toţi ceilalţi. De-a lungul anilor, relațiile dintre ei se adâncesc și se complică, însă provocarea cea mai mare pentru ei rămâne Jude, ajuns cu timpul un avocat extrem de talentat, însă din ce în ce mai instabil, cu mintea și trupul însemnate de o copilărie cumplită, de o traumă pe care se teme că nu o va putea depăși niciodată.
O viață măruntă este un roman de o extraordinară forţă şi emoţie despre legăturile indisolubile ale prieteniei și despre limitele rezistenței umane.
„Romanul Hanyei Yanagihara este un studiu magistral despre suferinţă şi prietenie, scris cu o inteligenţă şi o profunzime psihologică atât de neobişnuite, încât va rămâne unul dintre etaloanele cu care vor fi măsurate toate celelalte romane pe aceeaşi temă. ”
Wall Street Journal
Există cărţi care îţi aruncă mănuşa, care te provoacă la duel. Simţi nevoia de a apăra personajele sau ai impresia că autorul îţi vorbeşte direct ţie ori vorbeşte despre tine şi eşti fascinat şi totodată speriat de ceea ce ar putea să-ţi dezvăluie. Nu există termen generic pentru un roman care te seduce chiar în timp ce te înspăimântă, te răscoleşte, te dezgustă şi te istovește. Când termini O viaţă măruntă, te simţi ca după unul din marile romane realiste ruse: secătuit, dar cu mintea şi cu sufletul mai treze ca niciodată.
Kirkus -
Zum Paradies ; Der Nummer 1 Bestseller aus UK & USA von der Autorin von "Ein wenig Leben"
Yanagihara, Hanya
- Ullstein Buchverlage GmbH
- 11 Janvier 2022
- 9783843726467
»Tiefgründig, sensibel, spannend.« Juli Zeh, BörsenblattDrei Jahrhunderte, drei Versionen des amerikanischen Experiments: In ihrem kühnen neuen Roman – dem ersten seit Ein wenig Leben – erzählt Hanya Yanagihara von Liebenden, von Familie, vom Verlust und den trügerischen Versprechen gesellschaftlicher Utopien. 1893, in einem Amerika, das anders ist, als wir es aus den Geschichtsbüchern kennen: New York gehört zu den Free States, in denen die Menschen so leben und so lieben, wie sie es möchten – so jedenfalls scheint es. Ein junger Mann, Spross einer der angesehensten und wohlhabendsten Familien, entzieht sich der Verlobung mit einem standesgemäßen Verehrer und folgt einem charmanten, mittellosen Musiklehrer.1993, in einem Manhattan im Bann der AIDS-Epidemie: Ein junger Hawaiianer teilt sein Leben mit einem deutlich älteren, reichen Mann, doch er verschweigt ihm die Erschütterungen seiner Kindheit und das Schicksal seines Vaters.2093, in einer von Seuchen zerrissenen, autoritär kontrollierten Welt: Die durch eine Medikation versehrte Enkelin eines mächtigen Wissenschaftlers versucht ohne ihn ihr Leben zu bewältigen – und herauszufinden, wohin ihr Ehemann regelmäßig an einem Abend in jeder Woche verschwindet.Drei Teile, die sich zu einer aufwühlenden, einzigartigen Symphonie verbinden, deren Themen und Motive wiederkehren, nachhallen, einander vertiefen und verdeutlichen: Ein Town House am Washington Square. Krankheiten, Therapien und deren Kosten. Reichtum und Elend. Schwache und starke Menschen. Die gefährliche Selbstgerechtigkeit von Mächtigen und von Revolutionären. Die Sehnsucht nach dem irdischen Paradies – und die Erkenntnis, dass es nicht existiert. Und all das, was uns zu Menschen macht: Angst. Liebe. Scham. Bedürfnis. Einsamkeit. Zum Paradies ist ein Wunderwerk literarischer Erfindungskraft und ein Kunstwerk menschlicher Gefühle. Seine außergewöhnliche Wirkung gründet in seinem Wissen um den Wunsch, jene zu beschützen, die wir lieben: Partner, Liebhaber, Kinder, Freunde – unsere Mitmenschen. Und den Schmerz, der nach uns greift, wenn wir das nicht können.
A collected edition of Bruce Chatwin s acclaimed, captivating novels On the Black Hill, Utz and The Viceroy of Ouidah with an introduction by Hanya YanagiharaWhile Bruce Chatwin is best known as a master of travel literature, his three acclaimed novels must not be overlooked. Here we see a writer exploring human life, from its freedoms to its limits, in ever more exhilarating and unexpected ways.In On the Black Hill, twin brothers begin to realise that the world beyond their familiar fields is changing. In Utz, a scholar visits a communist state to meet an eccentric porcelain collector. And in The Viceroy of Ouidah, an ambitious slave trader makes a choice that could threaten his ultimate dream.
'I'm not exaggerating when I say this novel challenged everything I thought I knew about love and friendship. It's one of those books that stays with you forever.' - Dua LipaThe million-copy bestseller, Hanya Yanagihara's A Little Life, by the author of To Paradise, is an immensely powerful and heartbreaking novel of brotherly love and the limits of human endurance.Winner of Fiction of the Year at the British Book AwardsShortlisted for the Booker PrizeShortlisted for the Women's PrizeFinalist for the US National Book Award for FictionWhen four graduates from a small Massachusetts college move to New York to make their way, they're broke, adrift, and buoyed only by their friendship and ambition. There is kind, handsome Willem, an aspiring actor. JB, a quick-witted, sometimes cruel Brooklyn-born painter seeking entry to the art world. Malcolm, a frustrated architect at a prominent firm. And withdrawn, brilliant, enigmatic Jude, who serves as their centre of gravity.Over the decades, their relationships deepen and darken, tinged by addiction, success, and pride. Yet their greatest challenge, each comes to realize, is Jude himself. By midlife a terrifyingly talented litigator yet an increasingly broken man, his mind and body scarred by an unspeakable childhood, and haunted by what he fears is a degree of trauma that he'll not only be unable to overcome - but that will define his life forever.'Yanagihara takes you so deeply into the lives and minds of these characters that you struggle to leave them behind.' - The TimesPart of the Picador Collection, a series celebrating fifty years of Picador books and showcasing the best of modern literature.
Brace yourself for the most astonishing, challenging, upsetting, and profoundly moving book in many a season. An epic about love and friendship in the twenty-first century that goes into some of the darkest places fiction has ever traveled and yet somehow improbably breaks through into the light. Truly an amazement—and a great gift for its readers.
When four classmates from a small Massachusetts college move to New York to make their way, they''re broke, adrift, and buoyed only by their friendship and ambition. There is kind, handsome Willem, an aspiring actor; JB, a quick-witted, sometimes cruel Brooklyn-born painter seeking entry to the art world; Malcolm, a frustrated architect at a prominent firm; and withdrawn, brilliant, enigmatic Jude, who serves as their center of gravity. Over the decades, their relationships deepen and darken, tinged by addiction, success, and pride. Yet their greatest challenge, each comes to realize, is Jude himself, by midlife a terrifyingly talented litigator yet an increasingly broken man, his mind and body scarred by an unspeakable childhood, and haunted by what he fears is a degree of trauma that he’ll not only be unable to overcome—but that will define his life forever.
In rich and resplendent prose, Yanagihara has fashioned a tragic and transcendent hymn to brotherly love, a masterful depiction of heartbreak, and a dark examination of the tyranny of memory and the limits of human endurance.
From the Hardcover edition. -
People in the Trees ; A Novel
Yanagihara, Hanya
- Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group
- 13 Août 2013
- 9780385536783
Readers of exciting, challenging and visionary literary fiction—including admirers of Norman Rush''s Mating, Ann Patchett''s State of Wonder, Barbara Kingsolver''s The Poisonwood Bible, and Peter Matthiessen''s At Play in the Fields of the Lord—will be drawn to this astonishingly gripping and accomplished first novel. A decade in the writing, this is an anthropological adventure story that combines the visceral allure of a thriller with a profound and tragic vision of what happens when cultures collide. It is a book that instantly catapults Hanya Yanagihara into the company of young novelists who really, really matter.
In 1950, a young doctor called Norton Perina signs on with the anthropologist Paul Tallent for an expedition to the remote Micronesian island of Ivu''ivu in search of a rumored lost tribe. They succeed, finding not only that tribe but also a group of forest dwellers they dub "The Dreamers," who turn out to be fantastically long-lived but progressively more senile. Perina suspects the source of their longevity is a hard-to-find turtle; unable to resist the possibility of eternal life, he kills one and smuggles some meat back to the States. He scientifically proves his thesis, earning worldwide fame and the Nobel Prize, but he soon discovers that its miraculous property comes at a terrible price. As things quickly spiral out of his control, his own demons take hold, with devastating personal consequences. -
În 1950, tânărul medic Norton Perina pornește într-o expediție pe o insulă microneziană izolată în căutarea unui trib pierdut. În scurt timp dă peste un grup straniu de locuitori ai pădurii care par să fi atins o formă de imortalitate; dacă trupurile acestora nu sunt afectate de înaintarea în vârstă, mințile li se deteriorează inexorabil. Perina le descoperă secretul și își publică cercetările în Statele Unite, unde va deveni celebru. Descoperirea sa are însă un preț cumplit, nu doar pentru locuitorii insulei, ci și pentru Perina însuși.
Autoarea bestsellerului O viață măruntă, nominalizat la Man Booker Prize și National Book Award, le dăruiește cititorilor o aventură antropologică fascinantă, cu o viziune profundă și tragică asupra ciocnirii culturilor.
„Un roman de o inventivitate epuizantă, aproape sfidător în refuzul lui de a oferi izbăvire sau alinare... Cât despre Yanagihara, este o scriitoare în fața căreia nu poți decât să te minunezi.“ The New York Times Book Review
„O poveste plină de enigme, o parabolă ecologică, o confesiune monstruoasă și o analiză pătrunzătoare a relativismului moral... Un triumf al imaginației.“ Anthony Doerr, autorul romanului Toată lumina pe care nu o putem vedea
„Cuceritor, cu o narațiune multistratificată... Yanagihara este o povestitoare desăvârșită... O carte extrem de ambițioasă și antrenantă.“ The Boston Globe -
In 1950, a young doctor, Norton Perina, signs on with the anthropologist Paul Tallent for an expedition to the remote island of Ivu'ivu in search of a rumored lost tribe. They succeed, finding not only that tribe but also a group of forest dwellers they dub 'The Dreamers,' who turn out to be fantastically long-lived but progressively more senile. Perina suspects the source of their longevity is a hard-to-find turtle; unable to resist the possibility of eternal life, he kills one and smuggles some meat back to the States. He proves his thesis, earning worldwide fame, but he soon discovers that its miraculous property comes at a terrible price. As things quickly spiral out of his control, his own demons take hold, with devastating consequences.
To Paradise ; From the Author of A Little Life
Yanagihara, Hanya
- Pan Macmillan
- 11 Janvier 2022
- 9781529077506
The No. 1 Sunday Times bestseller from the author of A Little Life.'I'm not sure I've ever missed the world of a book as much' - The ObserverTo Paradise is a bold, brilliant novel spanning three centuries and three different versions of the elusive idea of utopia. Driven by Hanya Yanagihara's understanding of our desire to protect those we love - lovers, children, friends, family and even our fellow citizens - and the pain that ensues when we cannot.In an alternate version of 1893 America, New York is part of the Free States, where people may live and love as they please (or so it seems).In a 1993 Manhattan besieged by the AIDS epidemic, a young Hawaiian man lives with his much older, wealthier partner, hiding his troubled childhood and the fate of his father.In 2093, in a world torn apart by plagues and governed by totalitarian rule, a powerful scientist's damaged granddaughter tries to navigate life without him - and solve the mystery of her husband's disappearance.What unites these characters, and these Americas, are their reckonings with the qualities that make us human - fear, love, shame, loneliness - and the longing to find a place in an earthly paradise.'Not only rare . . . revolutionary' - Michael Cunningham, author of The Hours'Prepare to weep in public and be utterly transformed' - Stylist
The stunning debut novel, from the author of A Little Life.'The world Yanagihara conjures up, full of dark pockets of mystery, is magical.' - The TimesIt is 1950 when Norton Perina, a young doctor, embarks on an expedition to a remote Micronesian island in search of a rumoured lost tribe. There he encounters a strange group of forest dwellers who appear to have attained a form of immortality that preserves the body but not the mind.Perina uncovers their secret and returns with it to America, where he soon finds great success. But his discovery comes at a terrible cost, not only for the islanders, but for Perina himself . . .Hanya Yanagihara's The People in the Trees marks the debut of a remarkable voice in American fiction.'An engrossing, beautifully detailed, at times amazing (and shocking) novel . . . I loved this book.' - Paul Theroux
In First Jobs, reporter Merritt Watts collects real stories of early forays into the workforce from a range of eras and industries, and a diversity of backgrounds. For some, a first job is a warm welcome to the working world. For others, it's a rude awakening, but as these stories show, it's an influential, entertaining experience that should not be underestimated.A future mayor shining shoes, an atheist shilling Bibles, a housewife heading to work during World War II, a now-famous designer getting fired-we all got our start somewhere. A first job may not have the romance of the first kiss or the excitement of a first car, but more than anything else, it offers a taste of true independence and a preview of what the world has in store for us.This book transforms what we might think of as a single, unassuming line at the bottom of a resume into a collection of absorbing tales and hard-earned wisdom to which we can all, for better or worse, relate.
THE SECOND ENTRY IN THE PICADOR TRUE TALES SERIES: ONE OF LIFE'S TRICKIEST RITES OF PASSAGE COLLECTED INTO AN UNFORGETTABLE VOLUME OF STORIESThe fraught relationship between roommates is a true cultural obsession. Shows like Friends, The Golden Girls, The Odd Couple, and New Girl have held us rapt for decades, simultaneously delighting and disconcerting us with their depictions of mismatched couples' cringe-worthy awkwardness and against-all-odds friendship. Maybe it's that uniquely unnatural experience of living with a total stranger that ignites our curiosity, or just that almost all of us, for better or worse, have had one of our own.In Stephanie Wu's The Roommates, people of all ages reveal their disastrous, hilarious, and sometimes moving stories of making their best friend for life or lifelong nemesis. Learn what it's like to share a room in places as unusual as a thirty-person beach house, a billionaire's yacht, a reality show mansion, and a retirement hotel, and those as familiar as sleepaway camps, boarding schools, and college dorms. Put down your roommate's dirty dishes and passive-aggressive Post-it's for this eye-opening glimpse into how people live together in the modern age.You'll meet: The Amateur Taxidermist * The Alcoholic Genius * The Kleptomaniac * The Rent Stiffer * The Naked Nanna * The Serial Roommate * The Top Chef * The Recovered Addict * The Russian Missionary * The Obsessive Lesbian * The Impersonator * The Party Poopers...and many more!
"e;An entertaining beach read... [and] a nice way to provide your besties with reading material for the bachelorette weekend."e;-Lauren ConradWHAT DO A FORMER FASHION MODEL, AN EX-NUN, AND A FRAT BOY HAVE IN COMMON? VIRTUALLY NOTHING, EXCEPT THAT EACH HAS EXPERIENCED A UNIVERSAL RITE OF PASSAGE: BEING A BRIDESMAID.Each year 11 million bridesmaids lead their best friends down the aisle. Most wear matching dresses, and nearly all have a thing or two to say about the bride. In this uproarious oral history, editor and journalist Eimear Lynch offers us an intimate glimpse at the moments the wedding photographer failed to capture.From the accidental bridesmaid who helped sew the bride into her "e;designer"e; gown to the tomboy who struggled to carry Princess Diana's twenty-five foot train, The Bridesmaids lifts the veil on the Big Day. Opening with her own experiences as a five-time 'maid, Eimear gives us stories that are by turns heartfelt, funny, scandalous, and sometimes downright strange. An ode to the good, the bad, the strapless chiffon, and the occasional three-piece suit-and, above all, to the supporting actresses and actors who wore them-The Bridesmaids is a colorful walk down the aisle that you won't want to miss, and the perfect companion for every bridesmaid-to-be.