john green
Miles Halter a seize ans mais n'a pas l'impression d'avoir vécu. Assoiffé d'expériences, il quitte le cocon familial pour le campus universitaire : ce sera le lieu de tous les possibles, de toutes les premières fois. Et de sa rencontre avec Alaska. La troublante, l'insaisissable Alaska Young, insoumise et fascinante. Amitiés fortes, amour, transgression, quête de sens : un roman qui fait rire, et fondre en larmes l'instant d'après...
Le défi en écrivant "Qui es-tu Alaska ?" était de comprendre qu'un roman est là pour révéler la vérité, sans se préoccuper des faits. Car, pour citer William Faulkner : "C'est la vérité qui m'intéresse, pas les faits".
John Green -
Un road-trip jubilatoire, jalonné de vérités profondes sur l'amour, la mort et les désillusions.
Margo Roth Speigelman, le nom qui fait fantasmer Quentin depuis toujours. Alors, forcément, quand elle s'introduit dans sa chambre, un soir, pour l'entraîner dans une expédition vengeresse, il la suit. Mais au lendemain de leur folle nuit blanche, Margo a disparu. Quentin saura-t-il décrypter les indices qu'elle a laissés derrière elle ?
Margo Roth Spiegelman, le nom aux six syllabes qui fait fantasmer Quentin depuis toujours. Alors forcément, quand elle s'introduit dans sa chambre, une nuit, par la fenêtre ouverte, pour l'entraîner dans une expédition vengeresse, il la suit.
Mais au lendemain de leur folle nuit blanche, Margo n'apparaît pas au lycée. Elle a disparu.
Quentin saura-t-il décrypter les indices qu'elle lui a laissés pour la retrouver? Plus il s'en approche, plus Margo semble lui échapper...
Écrit par l'auteur de Nos étoiles contraires, ce roman a reçu le Prix Edgar Allan Poe et fut élu livre favori par les adolescents et les bibliothécaires aux États-Unis (American Library Association). -
Bienvenue dans l'anthropocène : Chroniques sensibles des choses humaines
John Green
- Gallimard Jeunesse
- Pôle Fiction
- 4 Janvier 2024
- 9782075202794
L'Anthropocène ? C'est l'ère géologique actuelle. John Green, l'auteur de Nos étoiles contraires, l'explore à travers 44 chroniques percutantes et inspirantes. Il étudie, tantôt avec humour, tantôt avec émotion, les paradoxes de la condition humaine et notre incidence profonde sur la planète.
Prise dans la spirale vertigineuse de ses pensées obsessionnelles, Aza, seize ans, n'avait pas l'intention d'enquêter sur la disparition du milliardaire Russell Pickett. Mais c'était compter sans Daisy, sa meilleure amie, et une récompense de cent mille dollars. Aza renoue alors avec le fils Pickett, Davis. L'improbable trio trouvera en chemin d'autres mystères et d'autres vérités, celles de la résilience, de l'amour et de l'amitié indéfectible.
Pour Will Grayson, les histoires de coeur portent sytématiquement la poisse, alors autant se faire discret. Son meilleur ami, aussi ouvertement gay que corpulent, ne risque pas, lui, de passer inaperçu. À l'autre bout de la ville, un adolescent en pleine déprime assume mal sa différence. Le hasard veut qu'il se nomme lui aussi Will Grayson...
Let it snow
Maureen Johnson, Lauren Myracle
- Hachette Romans
- Hors-séries
- 13 Novembre 2019
- 9782017110187
24 décembre. Nuit des miracles ? Ou des catastrophes ? Une terrible tempête, un train bloqué dans la neige. Gracetown : tous les voyageurs descendent ! Gracetown... Bourgade perdue au milieu de nulle part qui vous ferait presque regretter le traditionnel et soporifique repas de Noël. Pourtant Jed, Jubilé, et les autres vont partager le réveillon le plus insolite de leur vie. Dans un café bondé de pom-pom girls ou au détour d'une route enneigée, les rencontres inattendues se multiplient. Les couples se font, se défont et se refondent. Louvoyant entre les flocons, les flèches de Cupidon qui pleuvent sur la ville ne laisseront personne de glace ! John Green, Maureen Johnson, Lauren Myracle : les plumes de trois grands auteurs s'allient pour vous faire rire et rêver d'amour, créant un univers où les anges de Noël ne chôment pas !
There have been rapid developments in the psychological management of sexually transmitted diseases, particularly HIV and AIDS. However, a significant proportion of those attending genitourinary clinics do not have a disease or infection, but rather are seeking help with sexual health issues relating to behaviour, prior sexual experiences and relationships. Hence as clinics become more and more generalist there is a need to focus on behavioural aspects of disease. This is the first text to draw together the knowledge base and expertise of clinicians and researchers from all disciplines in the psychological management of sexual health. It presents advances in theory and practice in a practical way that will be accessible for all disciplines.
Excel 2007 VBA Programmer's Reference
Michael Alexander, Stephen Bullen, Rob Bovey
- Wrox
- 10 Août 2011
- 9781118169360
This book is aimed squarely at Excel users who want to harness the power of the VBA language in their Excel applications. At all times, the VBA language is presented in the context of Excel, not just as a general application programming language. The Primer has been written for those who are new to VBA programming and the Excel object model. It introduces the VBA language and the features of the language that are common to all VBA applications. It explains the relationship between collections, objects, properties, methods, and events and shows how to relate these concepts to Excel through its object model. It also shows how to use the Visual Basic Editor and its multitude of tools, including how to obtain help. The middle section of the book takes the key objects in Excel and shows, through many practical examples, how to go about working with those objects. The techniques presented have been developed through the exchange of ideas of many talented Excel VBA programmers over many years and show the best way to gain access to workbooks, worksheets, charts, ranges, and so on. The emphasis is on efficiency-that is, how to write code that is readable and easy to maintain and that runs at maximum speed. In addition, the chapters devoted to accessing external databases detail techniques for accessing data in a range of formats. The final four chapters of the book address the following advanced issues: linking Excel to the Internet, writing code for international compatibility, programming the Visual Basic Editor, and how to use the functions in the Win32 API (Windows 32-bit Application Programming Interface).
Flocons d'amour
Maureen Johnson, Lauren Mynecle
- Hachette Romans
- Hors-séries
- 3 Novembre 2010
- 9782013975988
24 décembre. Nuit des miracles ? Ou des catastrophes ? Une terrible tempête, un train bloqué dans la neige. Gracetown : tous les voyageurs descendent ! Gracetown... Bourgade perdue au milieu de nulle part qui vous ferait presque regretter le traditionnel et soporifique repas de Noël. Pourtant Jed, Jubilé, et les autres vont partager le réveillon le plus insolite de leur vie. Dans un café bondé de pom-pom girls ou au détour d'une route enneigée, les rencontres inattendues se multiplient. Les couples se font, se défont et se refondent. Louvoyant entre les flocons, les flèches de Cupidon qui pleuvent sur la ville ne laisseront personne de glace ! John Grenn, Maureen Johnson, Lauren Myracle : les plumes de trois grands auteurs s'allient pour vous faire rire et rêver d'amour, créant un univers où les anges de Noël ne chôment pas !
Sustainable Futures in the Built Environment to 2050
Tim Dixon
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 9 Janvier 2018
- 9781119063827
Brings together leading thinking on issues of new professional practice and on the future of a sustainable built environment This book focuses on both construction and development issues, and examines how we can transition to a sustainable future by the year 2050-bringing together leading research and practice at building, neighbourhood, and city levels. It deftly analyses how emerging socio-economic, technological, and environmental trends will influence the built environment of the future. The book covers a broad spectrum of interests across the scales of buildings, communities and cities, including how professional practice will need to adapt to these trends. The broader context is provided by an analysis of emergent business models and the changing requirements for expert advice from clients. Sustainable Futures in the Built Environment to 2050: A Foresight Approach to Construction and Development features chapters covering: data and trends, including historical data and UK and international case studies; policies and practice related to the field; current state of scientific understanding; key challenges; key technological advances (including disruptive and systemic technological innovations); change issues and critical uncertainties; and future visions. It provides: A strong conceptual framework based on a `Foresight' approach Discussion of the key data and trends that underpin each chapter Coverage of both construction and property development Specially commissioned chapters by academics and practitioners A synthesis of the main findings in the book and key insights for the future to 2050 Sustainable Futures in the Built Environment to 2050: A Foresight Approach to Construction and Development is an important book for postgraduate students and researchers, construction, real estate and property development specialists, engineers, planners, architects, foresight and futures studies specialists, and anyone involved in sustainable buildings.
Managing Your Headaches
Mark W. Green, Leah M. Green, John F. Rothrock
- Springer
- 20 Mai 2006
- 9780387275710
Frequent headaches seriously affect the lives of millions of sufferers. The result can be lost productivity and income, restrict activity, lower self-esteem, and even social isolation. For many, it takes years to find the appropriate medication to manage your headaches effectively.
In Managing Your Headaches, Mark and Leah Green and John Rothrock explain what information you should record for your physician, what a physician is looking for in a neurological examination, and what you should (and should not) do to reduce the frequency and severity of your headaches. They discuss the effects of stress, psychological factors, possible food triggers, and environmental risk factors. The authors explain the symptoms of migraine, cluster, and tension-type headaches as well as less common types. They address common concerns and misconceptions and explain current knowledge about headache causes in understandable terms.
The newest, most effective medications and their possible side effects are evaluated. The authors also explain how to prevent rebound headaches from over-medications and how non-medical treatments can be of value.
Managing Your Headaches will tell you what you need to know to better control your headaches. Armed with the information in this book, you can be aware of the latest treatment options and can have more productive, informed discussions with your physician. -
Statistical Analysis of Ecotoxicity Studies
Timothy A. Springer, Henrik Holbech
- Wiley
- 5 Juillet 2018
- 9781119488811
A guide to the issues relevant to the design, analysis, and interpretation of toxicity studies that examine chemicals for use in the environment Statistical Analysis of Ecotoxicity Studies offers a guide to the design, analysis, and interpretation of a range of experiments that are used to assess the toxicity of chemicals. While the book highlights ecotoxicity studies, the methods presented are applicable to the broad range of toxicity studies. The text contains myriad datasets (from laboratory and field research) that clearly illustrate the book's topics. The datasets reveal the techniques, pitfalls, and precautions derived from these studies. The text includes information on recently developed methods for the analysis of severity scores and other ordered responses, as well as extensive power studies of competing tests and computer simulation studies of regression models that offer an understanding of the sensitivity (or lack thereof) of various methods and the quality of parameter estimates from regression models. The authors also discuss the regulatory process indicating how test guidelines are developed and review the statistical methodology in current or pending OECD and USEPA ecotoxicity guidelines. This important guide: Offers the information needed for the design and analysis to a wide array of ecotoxicity experiments and to the development of international test guidelines used to assess the toxicity of chemicals Contains a thorough examination of the statistical issues that arise in toxicity studies, especially ecotoxicity Includes an introduction to toxicity experiments and statistical analysis basics Includes programs in R and excel Covers the analysis of continuous and Quantal data, analysis of data as well as Regulatory Issues Presents additional topics (Mesocosm and Microplate experiments, mixtures of chemicals, benchmark dose models, and limit tests) as well as software Written for directors, scientists, regulators, and technicians, Statistical Analysis of Ecotoxicity Studies provides a sound understanding of the technical and practical issues in designing, analyzing, and interpreting toxicity studies to support or challenge chemicals for use in the environment.
The only manual for faculty and staff who work directly with student organizations Advising Student Groups and Organizations is a one-of-a-kind book that equips faculty members and administrators to competently and confidently serve as advisers to clubs and other student groups. The second edition is here to help colleges and universities keep up with the skyrocketing number of student groups and shifts in the legal landscape. New chapters on crucial topics, updated case studies, and a full suite of practical resources simplify the process of navigating student organizations. With Advising Student Groups and Organizations, educators can turn the chore of advising into a rewarding activity that benefits everyone. Challenges like student apathy, university politics, and budgetary restrictions can be overcome with the ideas and activities presented here. And in this fully updated edition, new chapters contain everything you need to know about: Advising fraternities and sororities Navigating laws such as FERPA, Title IX, and the Clery Act Working with online distance students and using social media as an advising tool Conflict mediation and training student advisors You'll want to keep this guide handy so you can take advantage of tools like reflection questions, activities, checklists, and sample forms. Advising Student Groups and Organizations even covers the use of assessments such as True Colors and StrengthsFinder. Now you'll be able to cut through bureaucracy to make the student advising experience truly transformative.
Playing the PhD Game with Integrity
John A Bowden, Pamela J Green
- Springer
- 17 Juin 2019
- 9789811369902
This book focuses on integrity throughout the PhD journey and beyond, and is organised around two main themes: (1) integrity in relation to the capabilities developed by doctoral candidates for professional practice; and (2) integrity and coherence at the PhD system level. The working methods of key participants such as PhD candidates, supervisors, university managers, government agencies and politicians are central to achieving integrity goals within PhD programmes. In this context, a number of constructs are developed that inform the practice-based elements of the book in relation to conducting doctoral research, research supervision, academic writing, and research training support systems; in particular, these include our Moral Compass Framework for professional integrity, notions of collective morality, decision-making when faced with `wicked' problems, connected moral capability and our double-helix model of capability development, negotiated sense in contrast with common sense, completion mindsets and contexts, mindfulness, liminality, and mutual catalysis in joint authorship.While the data the book employs stems from practice-led research within the Australian doctoral system, the conclusions drawn are of global relevance. Throughout the book, wherever appropriate, comparisons are made between the Australian context and other contexts, such as the doctoral systems of the United Kingdom, Europe and the United States.